Much of San Bruno had been developed from wilderness to ranch land by the 1880s. The ranches supplied San Francisco with horses milk and meat. After the San Francisco earthquake and fire in 1906 the San Bruno Park Addition was developed into housing. Several other new neighborhoods sprung up in the area until 1914 when San Bruno became an official municipality. At that time San Bruno had roughly 1400 residents, now it has grown to 43,000. San Bruno is known as an airport city. Mills Field was dedicated in 1927 near the site now occupied by San Francisco International Airport, but it took many years for the airport to become the success it is today. The many other more established airports in the area, along with the short and often swampy runways made Mills Field unpopular with aviators and businesses alike until 1945 when voters approved a million bond into the improvement and expansion of the airport. Since then the airport has become one of the busiest in the world, and San Bruno has grown into an international city right along with it.
San Bruno Mountain State and County Park
San Bruno Mountain Park is a landmark of local and regional significance, standing as a unique open-space island in the midst of the peninsula’s urbanization at the northern end of the Santa Cruz Mountain Range. The Mountain’s ridge line runs in an east-west configuration, with considerable slopes and elevations ranging from 250 feet to 1,314 feet at the summit. The 2,416 acres of rugged landscape offer excellent hiking opportunities and outstanding views of San Francisco and Central Bay Area.
The formation of the landscape dates back 130 million years to the Cretaceous Period. During that time the area was under the sea and heavy deposition of sediment occurred. The earth crust buckled in the region creating fault blocks. One of the fault blocks was elevated becoming San Bruno Mountain.
San Bruno Mountain is located in the area formerly occupied by the Costonoan Indian tribe. They practiced a hunting, fishing and gathering economy. One prehistoric Native American habitation site from this group has been found within the park’s boundaries. Another has been located just outside it.
With the arrival of Europeans, this group was quickly integrated into the Spanish/Mexican Mission System. Under the mission system, the San Bruno Mountain area was used for cattle and sheep grazing.
With the independence of Mexico from Spain, ranchos and certain properties were granted. The grant of Rancho Canada de Guadalupe la Visitation y Rancho Viejo was granted to Jacob Leese in 1839. As late as 1869, surveys showed civilization completely surrounded the mountain’s flanks, but no settlements were on it.
John Crocker acquired the property in the 1870’s. It passed to the Crocker Land Company upon his death. In recent times the surrounding area has been developed for light industrial uses and mineral resources recovery. A quarry, located on the north base of the main ridge, was used for gravel extraction.
At the summit, remains of an old Nike Missile early warning radar site can be seen. This was used as a defensive system during the cold war. This radar, with others around the bay area, were used to detect approaching enemy aircraft and direct the missiles to their targets. Due to the ideal location, a number of radio and microwave transmitters can be seen today on the summit.
The Parks Maintenance Division is responsible for the maintenance of all the City’s outdoor recreation sites, including 18 parks covering 71 acres, 12 baseball fields, 8 soccer fields, 2 football fields, and one dog park – several of which are located on 4 different school sites covering an additional 25 acres.
Beginning Wednesday, March 14, 2018, dogs are allowed in the following parks: Bayshore Circle Park, Belle Air Park/Lions Field, Buckeye Park, City Park, Commodore Park, Earl-Glenview Park, Fleetwood Park, Florida Avenue Park, Forest Lane Park, Grundy Park, Monte Verde Park, Pacific Heights Park, 7th Avenue Park, and 7th/Walnut Park.
Dogs are prohibited from the following parks: Catalpa Tot Lot, Fleetwood Tot Lot, Herman Park, Lomita Park, Ponderosa Park, and Posy Park.
Owner/handlers may have no more than three (3) leashed dogs under their control and are required to keep the dogs on a non-retractable leash at all times with a maximum length of six (6) feet. Owner/handlers are responsible for promptly cleaning-up after the dog(s). Dogs are restricted from entering the surface surrounding children’s play equipment and synthetic turf areas.
San Bruno Parks Amenities List
San Bruno contains 11 primary and secondary schools. One of the best schools is John Muir Elementary School, which is rated 8. John Muir Elementary School has 344 students.
San Bruno’s population is 41,773.
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Everything (stores, restaurants, schools, hotels, libraries etc.) is within walking or driving distance. The people are friendly, and because everything is so close in proximity, there is no need to do any serious commuting.
San Bruno is an awesome city. There is a mall, YouTube HQ, many great schools, El Camino Real, cozy homes with great neighbors, and a low crime rate. If you want to be near the wondrous San Francisco, but not directly in the craze, San Bruno is the place for you.
Lived in San Bruno my whole life. Very diverse and so much activities to that run by the communities. Everything is accessible the airport, mall and many great schools and parks. San Francisco is only thirty minutes away, Millbrae and Burlingame are very close by with great schools and with downtown. Downside is houses are very expensive but living is incredible.
I have always lived in San Bruno, and it is my favorite little town. I have gone to school here, played sports here for my whole life, and made a life here. It is very family friendly and safe. Although there isn’t any nightlife, all you have to do is drive fifteen minutes north or south to find something to do. There is also beautiful trails to hike on and we are ten minutes from the ocean and five minutes from the bay.